May: 3-6
Instructor: Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco. Psychologist.
Language: English and Spanish
Place: Azahara International, Lanjarón, Granada
This introductory workshop is designed for you to become acquainted with your current breathing and to teach you the natural and efficient process of biodynamic respiration, along with its manifold benefits.
The truth is, we often disregard the significance of breathing and neglect its natural form. However, even though the fitra of biodynamic respiration may be dormant, it can be awakened.
During the workshop, we will evaluate each person's breathing pattern and practice different respiratory techniques. With certainty, we understand that complete and simultaneous breathing, where the torso expands in all six planes (back, front, sides, downward, and upward), is the natural and healthy way to breathe, corresponding to our biodynamic respiration in its fitra state.

We will come to realize that if our breathing is deficient, it is usually due to past conditioning from negative ego traits, nafs, incorrect habits and an incorrect, artificial, and unnatural teaching, that have blocked it. Its malfunctioning affects us, even if we are unaware of it.
Through the natural, complete, and simultaneous breathing pattern, we can achieve greater physical, psychological, and emotional well-being, while also aiding the opening of the heart. For authentic and natural respiration, in its fitra state, is the mother of all remedies.
Respiratory Psychotherapy:
Respiratory Psychotherapy is the original method created by psychologist Carlos Velasco. It's a bio-emocional-psychosocial system that provides a framework for returning to natural breathing by unlocking the psychosomatic aspects of respiratory dynamics. To achieve this, the individual's breathing pattern must be assessed and restored to its natural form. In order to accomplish this, the physical structures, primarily those related to the respiratory pump (chest, abdomen, jaws, etc.), must return to their natural position and regain proper alignment and optimal functioning. This is done to provide a natural, true, and authentic respiratory biomechanics.
The training is a combination of theory, practice, and experiential learning,
serving as a personal psychotherapeutic process. Throughout the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory biomechanics, a bio-emotional-psychosocial unblocking occurs, which can be utilized for one's own psychotherapeutic or self-awareness journey.

The dimensions of breathing: physiological, spiritual, existential, and philosophical.

Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco is a author, psychologist, psychotherapist, and naturopath who has been researching breathing for over 30 years, delving into biomechanics as well as disciplines like aikido, tai-chi and yoga. His book "Las enseñanzas del caballero de la armadura oxidada" (The Teachings of the Rusty Knight) published by Obelisco is currently in its 15th edition.
For more information, you can contact Carlos Velasco at
Este taller introductorio está diseñado para que conozcas tu respiración actual y
ens ñarte el proceso natural y eficiente de la biodinámica respiratoria, así como sus múltiples beneficios.
La verdad es que damos muy poca importancia a la respiración y descuidamos la forma natural. Pero aunque la fitra de la biodinámica respiratoria está dormida, puede despertarse.
En el taller se evaluará la forma de respirar de cada persona y practicaremos los distintos patrones respiratorios. Con certeza, comprendemos que la respiración completa y simultánea, en la que el tronco se expande por los seis planos (posterior, anterior, laterales, abajo y arriba), es la forma natural y saludable de respirar, la cual corresponde a nuestra biodinámica respiratoria en forma fitra.
Nos daremos cuenta de que si nuestra respiración es deficiente, suele ser porque pasados condicionamientos de los rasgos negativos del ego, nafs, una enseñanza antinatural, artificiosa e incorrecta y los hábitos incorrectos, la han bloqueado. Su mal funcionamiento nos perjudica, aunque no seamos conscientes de ello.
Desde la forma respiratoria natural, completa y simultánea, podremos alcanzar mayor salud física, psicológica y emocional, así como ayudar a la apertura del corazón. Pues la respiración auténtica y natural en su estado de fitra es la madre de las medicinas
Psicoterapia Respiratoria:
La Psicoterapia Respiratoria es el método original creado por el psicólogo Carlos Velasco. Es un sistema bio-emocional-psicosocial que ofrece un marco para volver a la respiración natural desbloqueando los aspectos psicosomáticos de la biodinámica respiratoria. Para lograrlo, es necesario evaluar el patrón de respiración del individuo y restaurarlo a su forma natural. Con este fin, las estructuras físicas, principalmente las relacionadas con la bomba respiratoria (pecho, abdomen, mandíbula, etc.), deben retornar a su posición natural y recuperar la alineación adecuada y el funcionamiento óptimo. Esto se hace para proporcionar una respiración natural, verdadera y auténtica.
El entrenamiento es una combinación de teoría, práctica y aprendizaje experiencial, sirviendo como un proceso personal psicoterapéutico. A lo largo del diagnóstico y tratamiento de la biomecánica respiratoria, se produce un desbloqueo bioemocional-psicosocial que puede ser utilizado para el propio viaje psicoterapéutico o de autoconciencia.

Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco is a author, psychologist, psychotherapist, and naturopath who has been researching breathing for over 30 years, delving into biomechanics as well as disciplines like aikido, tai-chi and yoga. His book "Las enseñanzas del caballero de la armadura oxidada" (The Teachings of the Rusty Knight) published by Obelisco is currently in its 15th edition.
For more information, you can contact Carlos Velasco at