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Training in Fitrah Breathing/ Respiratory Psychotherapy®. Course JUNE 2025

Foto del escritor: carlosvelascomontecarlosvelascomonte

Actualizado: 24 ene

  • Authentic Fitrah Breathing as a pathway to bio-psycho-emotional-socio-spiritual Well-being

    If breathing biodynamics is natural and organic, we can say: It is the mother of all medicines.

    Practitioner Training Program in Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy supported by Islamic Psychology, Islamic Psychotherapy, and Prophetic Medicine

    BREATHING in the HADITHS and the QURAN.

    Returning to Fitrah Breathing, a natural, authentic, and the true way of breathing, is a warning given to us through a series of hadiths and ayats from the Quran. If our respiratory biodynamics are in a state of fitrah when we are born, but the veils of the nafs block it, making it deficient and distancing it from its original form, we are warned that we must return to the natural way of breathing.

    FITRAH BREATHING is the process of restoring natural and free breathing, purifying the heart from the nafs (ego/self), and cleansing the body from the toxic psychosomatization it causes.

    This practice reestablishes natural, free, and normalised respiratory biomechanics, allowing the body to be freed from the psychosomatic darkness generated by the nafs.


    1. We will contemplate respiratory biodynamics from the following perspectives: physiological (biomechanics of breathing), existential, phenomenological, philosophical, and spiritual.

    Our body is a loan, a trust, that continues to live thanks to breathing. We are kindly obliged to take care of it because we are responsible for its natural and healthy harmonious functioning. Each of our breaths comes from the Merciful Breath, Nafas ar-Rahmaani. Our journey in Respiratory Psychotherapy must be filled with love for Prophet Muhammad (saws). He provided us with guidance to navigate through this life until our last breath and to prepare ourselves for the Hereafter. We must express gratitude to Allah with every breath, saying Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah.

    Practitioner Training Program in Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy supported by Islamic Psychology, Islamic Psychotherapy, and Prophetic Medicine

    The facilitator

    Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco is a psychologist and psychotherapist based in Madrid, director of The School of Natural Breathing. Through his research relevant topics on Islam, he has discovered the importance of natural breathing. Being inspired by hadiths referring to the morphology of the torso and other features of the prophet ﷺ, that suggest a way of breathing in harmony with the state of fitrah similar to  babies’ breathing. This discovery was a turning point in his life and led him to develop his therapeutic approach, Fitrah Breathing and "Respiratory Psychotherapy ®". This practice is intended to enhance organic breathing as a powerful tool to improve the physical and emotional well-being of individuals. His work has positively impacted the lives of many people seeking transforming profound connections with themselves.


    Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy® :

    Respiratory Psychotherapy is the original method created by psychologist Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco (Carlos Velasco). It's a bio-psychosocial system that provides a framework for returning to natural breathing by unlocking the psychosomatic aspects of respiratory dynamics. To achieve this, the individual's breathing pattern must be assessed and restored to its natural form. To be able to accomplish this, the physical structures, primarily those related to the respiratory pump (chest, abdomen, jaws, etc.), must return to their natural position and regain proper alignment and optimal functioning. This should be done in order to provide a natural, truthful, and authentic respiratory biomechanics.

    The training is a combination of theory, practice, and experiential learning, serving a dual purpose, functioning as a professional strategy whilst also serving as a personal psychotherapeutic process. Throughout the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory biomechanics, a bio-psychosocial unblocking occurs, which can be utilized for one's own psychotherapeutic or self-awareness journey. This also serves as an example for applying Respiratory Psychotherapy in other psychotherapeutic processes.

    Practitioner training certificate requires:

    2. online classes of 2 hours duration every week on Saturdays or Sundays (time to be determined).8 hours per month, totalling 72 hours over nine months, plus 8 hours of group supervision after completing the online training."

    Total: 77 hours.

    The training is scheduled in 9 modules. We will explore a specific segment and its influence on respiratory biomechanics. Educational materials will be provided along for every week’s classes. (Don't worry if some words sound too technical; you'll understand them in the first session)


    1. The 7 Rings

    2. The Trunk and Its Three Rings (Lumbar/Abdominal/Pelvic, Intercostal, and


    3. Diaphragmatic Ring

    4. Thoracic Ring

    5. Abdominal Belt or Lumbo-Abdominal Ring

    6. Pelvic Ring

    7. Cervical or Neck Ring

    8. Oral or Mouth Ring

    9. Ocular or Visual Ring

    Course fees....

    Recommended for psychotherapists, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in holistic health of the body, mind, and heart.

    Certificate will be provided.


    Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco is an author, psychologist, psychotherapist, and naturopath who has been researching breathing for over 30 years, delving into biomechanics as well as disciplines like aikido, tai-chi and yoga. His book "Las enseñanzas del caballero de la armadura oxidada" (The Teachings of the Rusty Knight) published by Obelisco is currently in its 15th edition.

    For more information, you can contact Carlos Velasco at 


    Requirements to Obtain Certification in Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy

    1.   Complete the questionnaire: Answer 63 questions.

    2.   Make the course payment: Complete the payment process to access the training.

    3.   Attend all training sessions: Attendance at all sessions is mandatory.

    4.   Read and complete tasks related to recommended readings: Follow the indicated readings and complete the corresponding tasks.

    5.   Complete the work for each module: Finish the assignments in each of the 9 course modules.

    6.   Record practice sessions by the student: Throughout the training, students must record 3 video sessions practicing Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy with patients, including evaluation and treatment.

    7.   Keep a journal of personal breathing practices: Record at least 20 personal breathing practices during the course, highlighting the application of Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy tools and their effects on physical, psycho-emotional, and heart well-being.

    8.   Acquire a clear understanding of Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy: Understand its theoretical and scientific principles, application, and the benefits it offers.

    9.   Complete supervision sessions: After completing the 9 modules, participate in

  •  8 hours, 4 classes of group supervision following the completion the online training

  • Analysis, evaluation, and treatment of respiratory biomechanics involve three primary assessment aspects: visual, tactile, and patient feedback. These assessments allow for a comprehensive understanding of the patient's respiratory patterns and any dysfunctions. During sessions, various forms of massage and manipulations may be applied, while also addressing the psychological and emotional aspects of the patient as much as possible, within the scope of a student trained in Respiratory Psychotherapy. It is essential to always maintain the boundaries of possibility, safety, and protection. As Hippocrates wisely stated, "Primum non nocere" – the most important thing is to do no harm.


    MODULE 1

    The 7 Segments of the Human Body.

    What said in the Quran, the Hadiths, and the Masters and Shaykhs say about this segment?

    What this segment encompasses

    Introduction to Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy.

    • Avenzoar practitioner teaching in Seville 11th century (precursor of physiopathological and anatomoclinical correlations of the respiratory system).

    • Definition of Fitrah Breathing and Respiratory Psychotherapy.

    • Breathing throughout history.

    • Influence of Muslims on Yoga.

    • Tawhid, cosmology.

    • The breathing in Islam and Merciful Breath (Nafas ar-Rahmaani)

    • Each of our breaths worships Him.

    • Respiratory phisiology in th West

    • The 7 segments in Respiratory Psychotherapy.

    • The interrelation of the body (jism), personality (nafs), intellect (aql), heath (qalb) character (Akhlaq), spirit (ruh) and breath (tanafus)

    • Al-Adl (The Just) and the obligation to restore natural breathing

    • The concept of the body's dimension in Islam.

    • "Your body has a right over you" And "the body es a loan, (amaana)"

    • The four diaphragms.

    • Embryonic development of the lungs and post-birth at the moment the embryo forms, the vital breath descends, the vital and instinctive spirit (hayawaniya spirit) is present.

    • At 120 days, the spirit (ruh) ruhaniya descends into the fetus.

    • Our breaths are numbered." - Imam Ali (ra) and the Quran.

    • How fetal and birth trauma can affect respiratory biomechanics.

    • Breathing in the unborn and neonate.

    • The first breath/cry in a newborn testifies to their birth as a being with all rights according to Madhabs, legal schools

    • Breathing in different life stages.

    • Paradise lies at the feet of the mother

    • Breathing in Pregnant Women, During Labor, and Postpartum.

    Respiratory Biomechanics

    • Introduction to the seven fundamental pillars of Respiratory Psychotherapy’s diagnosis. Contemplating these pillars from the dimension of Islam.

    • Key concepts of anatomy and physiology related to respiratory biomechanics.

    • The machinery of respiratory biodynamics is what generates the breaths.

    • Breathing biomechanics, torso movement, and spinal column. Wavelike movement of the spinal column, from the coccyx to the first cervical vertebra, the atlas.

    • Regulation of breathing and gas exchange (ventilation, transport and cellular respiration).


    The Fitrah Breathing/Respiratory Psychotherapy. Action Protocol: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis

    Emotions, Characterology, and Psychosomatics

    • Every thought is tinged with an emotion.

    • Introduction to embodied voice in Islam, spoken, recited, and sung.

    • Errors in teaching respiratory biomechanics (only abdominal, intercostal, costoclavicular, and complete in three phases)

    • Checking and treatment at the same time of respiratory biomechanics

    • Evaluation and treatment of ventilatory mechanics.

    Treatment Protocol

    • Self-assessment, self-treatment, and external assessment and treatment

    • The benefits. Returning to free, natural, and organic breathing fitrah through psychosomatic unblocking of respiration. 

    • Dissolving the biographical history of wrong actions and thoughts in the bodily unconscious. (Yaum al Qiyama).

    • Fitrah breathing. What is the breathing like, the respiratory biodynamics in the fitrah mode.

    • Natural, complete, and one-phase breathing versus three-phase breathing, only thoracic, or only abdominal breathing

    • Inhalation should be downward towards the lumbar area and expansive (diagonal inhalation) throughout the trunk (through all six sides: posterior, anterior, lateral, descending and ascending) expanding simultaneously.

    • The fitrah voice in Islam, it is connected with the noble character of the heart. Discovering one's own voice. The embodied voice, spoken, recited, and sung. Introduction.



    MODULE 2

    The Torso and Its Three Rings

    Lumbo-Abdominal-Pelvic, Diaphragmatic, and Costoclavicular

    • What does the Quran, the Hadiths, and the Masters and Shaykhs say about this segment?

    • The torso of Prophet Muhammad according to hadiths: "His chest and abdomen were at the same level, with an extended torso, distanced shoulders, and prominent or lean bones" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    •     The biomechanics of Prophet’s ﷺ breathing, according to hadiths.

    • The 6 fundamental focuses of breathing:

      1. Physiological

      2. Phenomenological (dhawq)

      3. Psycho-emotional

      4. Philosophical

      5. Existential

      6. Spiritual

    What this segment encompasses

    Trunk Anatomy

    • Anatomical description of the trunk and its three rings

    • Two respiratory spaces/boxes/sacks: the lumbo-abdominal-pelvic box and the thoracic box. They form a cylinder.

    • Haqiqa represents the thoracic cavity and is supported by the foundational roots and structure of sharia represented by the abdominal cage. This structure is the throne of the diaphragm (emir), upon which it establishes its authority.

    • Reflections on the greater dimension of the lumbo-abdominal-pelvic box compared to the thoracic. 

    • The diaphragm, like an emir, engages in dialogue between the two spaces to unify them and promote health.

    • The two surfaces of the trunk: Below is the sharia and above is the haqiqa.

    • The trunk in state of fitrah. How the entire trunk should expand and contract in a natural, complete, one-phase respiratory biomechanics.

    • The unity of the trunk: the inhalatory diagonal. Natural inhalation through the nostrils descends toward the lumbar region and expands through the six sides of the trunk, and expands in six directions: posterior, anterior, lateral (both sides), downward, and upward.

    • The secret of Fitrah Breathing lies in the lumbo-abdomino-pelvis estructure, and the action of breathing begins in the lumbo-abdomino-pelvic estructure (kath)

    • Concepts of vertical, horizontal, and mixed breathing.

    • Diaphragm-psoas and diaphragm-costal arch.

    • Respiratory muscles, inhalers and exhalers, exercise and flexibility training.

    Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis. Emotions, Characterology, and Psychosomatics. Body, ego, intelect, character, heart, spirit and breathing. (Jism, nafs, aqal, akhlaq, qalb, ruh and tanafus)

    • The following hadith allows us to assess the respiratory diagnosis: "When he was sitting, he would cross his arms over his chest and place his hands on the sides (intercostal ribs)"

    • The eight fundamental pillars of diagnosis in Respiratory Psychotherapy, considered through the lens of Islamic Psychology and Prophetic Medicine

    • Alignment between respiratory patterns and character schema 

    • Through returning to Fitrah Breathing, we cultivate a noble character.

    • The influence of the personality (nafs) on the physical body (jism).

    • The inherent correlation between jism, nafs, aqal, akhlaq, qalb, and ruh, and respiratory biomechanics and Fitrah breathing.

    • Analysis of psychoemotional aspects.


    Fitrah breathing. Natural, instinctive, and original pattern of respiratory biomechanics

    • Respiratory Patterns

    • The five types of respiratory patterns

    • Isolated breathing within the three respiratory types: high, mid, and low

    • Respiratory psychological types based on apnea, inhalation, or exhalation

    • Pathological respirations: 


    Treatment protocol:

    • Achieving the benefits in this structure of the trunk

    • Natural inhalation descending towards the lumbo-sacral area and expanding o    sides (back, front, lateral, downwards, and upwards) of the trunk in one phase, not three.

    • The inhaled air descends, expanding the torso like a bell or a pear.

    • Simultaneous expansion and contraction of the entire trunk during inhalation.

    • Subtle (latif) bodily mapping.

    • Massage, manipulations (Muslim physicians like Ibn Rushd), and catharsis.

    • The energetic center, nuqta al-taqah (dan tien, hara, kikaitandem, ocean of energy) is in the pelvis, four centimetres below the navel. It is a vital energy vortex for life, in both dynamic and static positions of the body.


    MODULE 3

    Diaphragmatic Segment

    • What does the Quran, the Hadiths, and the Masters and Shaykhs say about this segment?

    What this segment encompasses

    Anatomy and Functions

    • The 4 sectors of the diaphragm or hemidiaphragms

    • Costodiaphragmatic sinuses.

    • Diaphragm's function in the respiratory process

    • Breathing from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The lung-kidney connection.

    • Diaphragm as a second heart due to its hemodynamic capacity

    • The 10 functions of the diaphragm

    • The tandem spine and diaphragm work in unison. A flexible spine is a sign of longevity.

    • Solar plexus, adrenal glands, and pancreas

    Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis. Emotions, Muscular Armor, and Psychosomatics. Body, ego, intellect & character, heart, spirit and breathing.

    • What the diaphragm hides, the forgotten one

    • Diaphragm's limits from a characterological perspective

    • Mobilising power quwwata of the diaphragm

    • Influence of the diaphragmatic muscle on thoracic and abdominal musculature and organs.

    • Spine and breathing. The respiratory diagonal.

    • The concept of biotensegrity in the Quran and Hadiths, and its application in respiratory biodynamics

    • Functional compensations of the body structure. Unity and multiplicity. The unity in the macrocosm of the human body. Ibn Arabi: 'Everything in creation is interconnected, interpenetrated, interlinked, and interdependent

    • Psychosomatic diseases (ترجمة كلمة إلى اللغة العربية تكون ,نفسية جسدي) (مرض نفسي جسدي) in the diaphragmatic segment.

    • Blood supply of the diaphragm and sport.

    • Six physical activities recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (saws): Walking, swimming, archery, horseback riding, wrestling, joyful sexual act.

    • The spirituality of diaphragm. Ibn Arabi and Chuang Tzu.


    Treatment protocol

    • The benefits in this segment

    • Unblocking the diaphragmatic segment and decoding toxic programs.

    • Correct respiratory biomechanics improve body posture and mobility of the trunk, spine, and organs

    • The voice in islam and vocal structural support in the diaphragm/pelvic floor. The psycho-spiritual aspect of the diaphragm.

    • Vomiting reflex and respiratory biodynamics

    • The diaphragm is a muscle associated with power, quwwata, will, decision, and strength. Manipura energy centre.

    MODULE 4

    Thoracic Segment

    What does the Quran, the Hadiths, the Masters and Shaykhs say about this segment?

    What this segment encompasses

    Anatomy and Functions

    • Respiratory Physiology of Ibn Sina.

    • The bronchial tree

    • Thoracic cage and its function

    • Trachea bronchial tree

    • Cardiorespiratory function

    • Ribcage movement, sternum

    • Head/manubrium of the sternum and respiratory biomechanics

    • Angle of Louis and Charpy angle.

    • Phrenic nerve

    • Shoulders, arms, and hands

    • "His (Prophet Muhammad, saws) chest and abdomen were at the same level, with an extended torso, distanced shoulders, and prominent or lean bones" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    • CHEST:"Have We not opened your breast for you?" (Quran 94:1)

      “Whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his chest to Islam; and whom He wills to lead astray, He makes his chest tight and constricted, as if he were climbing into the sky. (Quran 6:125) And "Have We not opened your breast for you?" (Quran 94:1)

    • Brachial and pulmonary plexus

    • Thymus gland


    Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis. Emotions, Character,

    Psychosomatics. Body, ego, intellect y character, heart, spirit and breath.

    • What the thorax conceals

    • The importance of the spine in breathing.

    • The movement of the spinal column during dhikr.

    • Diagnosis of the natural movement of the spine

    • Thoracic deformations

    • Costoclavicular (thoracic) breathing

    • Intercostal muscles and the intercostal arch work in conjunction with the diaphragm.

    • The state of the solar plexus

    • Psychosomatic diseases in this segment and their approach


    Treatment protocol

    Unblocking respiratory biomechanics and psycho emotional conflicts of this segment. Body, ego,intellect & character, , heart, spirit and breath.

    • The benefits in this segment

    • The Din (دين) of Islam and the Fitrah of Respiratory Biomechanics.

    • The concept of heart qalb and chest sadr in Tassawuf.

    • What names of Allah manifest in the body during breathing?

    • Coordination of diaphragm descent and thoracic cage expansion for maximising lung capacity.

    • Flexibilization of the lungs.

    • The teacher-student relationship. Therapist-patient relationship. Appropriate way to support the patient, being of service to them.

    • Spirit of Sohbah (سحبة) (Madinah Al Munawarah, spirit of the group, sahabah

    • Neurocore, the neuronal heart. Breath-heart synchronisation.

    • Muhāsabah, murāqabah y mushāhadah

    • The Lataif in the chest sadr (صدر).

    • Vibration of the voice in the thorax, especially in the chest (Voice of the Drum)


    MODULE 5


    • What does the Quran, the Hadiths, and the Masters and Shaykhs say about this segment?

     What this segment encompasses


    • The secret of respiratory biodynamics lies in the lumbopelvic abdominal structure—false pelvis and true pelvis—and the secret of secrets is in the lumbar region, (Ming Men)

    • Lumbo-sacral-coccygeal zone

    • Pelvic floor, descent- as a spring- and elongation from the coccyx during inhalation

    • Psoas muscle and its relationship with the diaphragm

    • The two sphincters: anal -internal and external- and urethral

    • Sacral-coccygeal plexus, gonads (testicles and ovaries)

    • The Coccyx and the Day of Resurrection

    • Sacroiliac joint

    • Ming Men or Gate of Life

    • Kath, Dan Tien, Hara-."نقطة الطاقة" (nuqta al-taqa), energy point "الطاقة الحيوية" (al-taqa al-hayawiyya


    Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis. Emotions,


    Psychosomatics. Body, ego, intellect y character, heart, spirit and breathing.

    • Unconscious conflicts in the pelvic segment and their relation to the respiratory biomechanic.

    • Psychosomatic diseases in this segment and their approach


    Treatment protocol

    • The benefits in this segment

    • Unblocking the pelvic segment

    • Biomechanics of walking, walking correctly. Foot position (heel, sole, toe), tilting, presenting the pelvis crown up to the sky.

    • Pelvis and biomechanics of walking and respiratory biomechanics

    • Grounding the pelvis

    • Respiratory biomechanics, pelvis, legs, and feet

    • Stepping pattern affects the spine.

    • Breathing, voice, and singing, their relation to posture and movement.

    • Support of spoken, recited, and sung voice from the Primal Voice system.


    What this segment encompasses

    • What is said in the Quran, in the Hadiths, by the Masters and Shaykhs about this segment

    • How Prophet Muhammad (saws) walked.


    • The secret of biodynamic breathing in Fitrah Breathing lies in the seat of lumbo-abdomino-pelvic structure

    • And the secret of secrets lies in the lumbar region.

    • False pelvis and true pelvis

    • Lumbo-sacral-coccygeal zone

    • Pelvic floor, descent- as a spring- and elongation from the coccyx during inhalation

    • Psoas muscle and its relationship with the diaphragm

    • The two sphincters: anal -internal and external- and urethral

    • Sacral-coccygeal plexus, gonads (testicles and ovaries)

    • In Islam, the coccyx holds special significance in relation to the belief in resurrection.

    • Sacroiliac joint

    • Ming Men or Gate of Life

    • Kath (dan tien, hara, o vita furnace)

    • Sexuality in Islam

    Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis. Emotions, Character, Psychosomatics. Body, ego, intelect y character, heart, spirit and breathing.

    • Unconscious conflicts in the pelvic segment and their relation to the ventilatory pump.

    • Psychosomatic diseases in this segment and their approach

    Treatment protocol

    • The respiratory cycle in harmony with the movements and postures of salat

    • The benefits in this segment

    • Unblocking the pelvic segment

    • Biomechanics of walking, walking correctly. Foot position (heel, sole, toe), tilting, presenting the pelvis crown to the sky

    • How the Prophet (saws) walked and its explanation from the current science of walking biodynamics

    • Afghan Walking and Breathing

    • Pelvis and biomechanics of walking and respiratory biomechanics

    • Postural Reeducation: The noble posture of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  and its imitation by the fata (youth).

    • Futuwwah, suhbah, and good governance in respiratory biodynamics.

    • Imitating Prophet Ibrahim in his role as a fata: nobility, courage, wisdom, and commitment in the process of awakening Fitrah Breathing.

    • Grounding the pelvis

    • Respiratory biomechanics, pelvis, legs, and feet

    • Stepping pattern affects the spine

    • Heel strikes. Lateral stretching

    • Involuntary Body Movement. IBM

    • Generalised vibration

    • Tremming, trembling, shaking

    • The undulation of the torso and neck during dhikr 

    • Breathing, voice, and singing, their relation to posture and movement.

    • Support of spoken, recited, and sung voice from the Primal Voice system

    • Nitric oxide, which is nitrogen from the air oxidised in the nostrils, functions, like boosts the immune system, like 'Viagra' as one of its properties is vasodilation.

    • Activation of the Dan Tien, Kath (vital center of the human being)

    • Belly: بطن (batn)

    • Vital energy الطاقة الحيوية (al-taqa al-hayawiyya)

    • Point of energy: نقطة الطاقة (nuqta al-taqa)

    • Ming Men or Gate of Life (energy reservoir) Energetic center of Muladhara, trump.

    • Energetic centre of Muladhara, trump.

    MODULE 7

    CERVICAL SEGMENT (Neck-Throat)  

    What this segment encompasses

    • What does the Quran, the Hadiths, the Masters and Shaykhs say about this segment?

    Anatomy and Functions

    • Neck, throat, and nape ring

    • Neck-head junction

    • Cervical vertebrae, function of the atlas

    • Insertions of the phrenic nerve


    Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis. Emotions, Muscular Armor, and Psychosomatics. Body, ego, intellect & character, spirit and breath

    • Alignment between respiratory patterns and character schema. Character type and breathing.

    • Analysis of tensions in the neck and their influence on respiratory biomechanics and voice.

    • The thickness and stiffness of the neck and the saying in the Coran and hadiths.


    How each psyche morphological type breathes

    • The seven levels of the nafs.

    • Respiratory psyche morphology. (Ibn Arabi)

    • Enneagram, the 9 enneatypes. A. Hameed Ali (A.H Almaas)

    • Bioenergetics, the 5 psychological types by Lowen/Reich

    • Somatotypes, Sheldon. Biotypes: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph.

    • E. Kreschmer's biotype and psychotype

    • Jungian's 8 psychological types


    Treatment protocol

    • The benefits in this segment.

    • Exploration of psychosomatic diseases in this segment and their approach

    • Quran: "those with stiff necks" or "arrogant ones"

    • Unblocking the neck-throat segment.


    Voice education and training.

    • Qalam dhat. The subtle pen of the word.

    • Psychodiagnosis through spoken, recited, and sung voice.

    • Freeing and empowering the voice.

    • Qualities of the voice and character, akhlaq (أخلاق)

    • Fitrah voice. Connecting with one's own voice, it is the one that emerges from the depth of being, from the heart.

    • Paranasal sinuses. Resonators.

    • Pelvic floor and diaphragm

    • Voice support

    • Vocal placement. Production and projection of the voice.

    • Consciousness and sensitivity to intentionally vibrate each vocal cord.

    • Generalised vibration and tremming of the voice.

    • The mixed voice, emission from the chest and from the head. Resonance should be achieved in the chest and the head.

    • Voice from the Primal Voice method

    • The sound of ghunnah in the recitation of the Quran.

    • The secret of the emission of sound "Mu"and "Ham" on the name of the Prophet Muhammad (saws)

    • The voice in the recitation of the Quran and in the singing of qasidas.

    • Breathing techniques in the recitation of the Quran, qasidas, dhikr and hadrah.

    • Center of energy Vishuddha



    MODULE 8


    • What does the Quran, the Hadiths, the Masters and Shaykhs say about this segment?

    What this segment encompasses.

    Anatomy and Functions

    • TMJ, temporomandibular joint, and respiratory mechanics

    • Deep neck muscles

    • Facial sinuses. Gunnah sound.

    • Tongue root and tongue.

    • Salivary glands and saliva function

    • Salivary glands, respiration, and the parasympathetic system

    • Body posture and the mouth.

    • Respiratory Center RC

    • The ear and the name of Sāmīyah (سامية )


    Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis. Emotions, Muscular Armor, and Psychosomatics.

    Jism, nafs, aqal, akhlaq, qalb, ruh and tanafus

    • Psychoemotional conflicts and psyche somatizations in this segment

    • Head position in relation to the neck and blockage at their junction affecting respiratory mechanics.

    • Jaw and dental problems (dental issues)

    • Psychosomatization of the voice.


    Treatment protocol

    • The benefits in this segment.

    • Unblocking the TMJ/neck ring segment

    • The yawn and the sigh

    • Vomiting reflex

    • Jaw and its relation to breathing, voice, and hearing.

    • Worldview: human being, creation. The Merciful Breath, Nafas ar-Rahmaani.

    • The power of breath for healing. Healing with breath according to Ruqya in Islam.

    • Body as a musical-vibration-spirituality instrument when listening to or reciting the Quran.

    • Spiritual map. The sanctified body. Degrees of spirituality according to body zones.

    • Inspired Sacred Singing. Inspired Poetry. Primal Singing.

    • Hyperventilation and apnea to expand consciousness.

    • Breathing for hadrah, dhikr, etc.



    MODULE 9

    OCULAR SEGMENT. What this segment encompasses

    • What does the Quran, the Hadiths, the Masters and Shaykhs say about this segment?

    What this segment encompasses

    Skull Anatomy

    • Eye muscles and deep neck muscles

    • Nasal wing elevator muscle

    • 16 Reasons Why We Should Inhale Through the Nose

    • Tear glands

    • The 4 ventricles and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation.

    • The arching movement of the spine during respiratory biomechanics follows the same arching pattern as the primary CSF breath.

    • Synchronisation of the CSF pump and the respiratory pump.

    • The Limbic System, Emotions, and Breathing

    • Pineal gland and pituitary gland.

    • The various movements made with the head during dhikr activate the pineal gland, and the name of Allah, Al-Basir, emerges.

    Assessment, Diagnosis, and Psychodiagnosis. Emotions, Muscular Armor, and Psychosomatics. Body, ego, intellect, and character, heart, spirit and breath.

    • The ocular segment is one of the most sensitive to childhood traumas.

    • Mood influences respiratory mechanics and vice versa.

    • Biographical history of psych somatisations, their influence on respiratory mechanics

    • To die before dying to die in peace.

    • In the Jawn al Qijama, every part of our body will testify, speaking of their actions.

    • those who masters their thoughts enslave the ego and have it at their service.

    • The face is the noblest part of the body, and the most significant aspect of it is the gaze, subtly connected with the heart.


    Treatment protocol. Breathing and Spirituality

    • The benefits in this ocular segment.

    • Unblocking the segment for improved respiratory biomechanics

    • Feeling the pumping of the heart and CSF in the skull

    • Nasal Breathing and its multiple benefits.

    • Vertical trunk, performing micro-movements at the neck's insertion with the skull.

    • MIC®, Involuntary Body Movement.

    • He who knows his breath knows himself and knows his Lord, Allah.

    • Being conscious of breathing allows us to be aware in everyday life.

    • Each breath worships Allah, and if done consciously, worship is increased.

    • Breathing and gaze from the brow center.

    • Healing others with the gaze.

    • Self-healing through sighing and yawning.

    • Respiratory coherence and cardiac coherence. Gaze/heart/breathing harmony

    • The Spiritual Meaning of the Sigh and the Mystery it Holds

    • Ruqya with the Qur'an, with the Names of Allah, and with the gaze.

    • Healing through the breath, hands and voice

    • The subtle gaze contemplated from Islam. Al-Basiiru. (البصير). In the gaze, great secrets are hidden, waiting to be discovered.

    • In the gaze, one can see: light or darkness, health or neurosis, emergence of the qalb or the nafs.

    • Muraqabah. Al-Raqiibu (الرقيب) and Mushahada.

    • Rida' and mode al-Falaq

    • Insan al-Kamil: The self-realized human

    • Omniscience knowledge (المعرفة العليمة).Balance of the frontal and coronal centres of energy (taqah)

Bismillah, As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

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